Premier Excel Tube Injector Make-Your-Own Cigarette Making Machine

Premier Excel Tube Injector Make-Your-Own Cigarette Making Machine

Premier Excel MYO Cigarette Machine
Availability: Usually ships the next business day
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This is the one of the FASTEST Cigarette MYO machine you can buy anywhere! Sturdy plastic construction for many years of making your own. Simply rotate the lever to the left and open the tobacco trough. Insert the tobacco and the filter tube, then rotate the lever to the right and you have a FIRST-CLASS ONE - ready to smoke! The best cigarette rolling machine around. Works best with Cigarette King Size Tubes but also works with non filtered. If defective, please return machine to manufacturer per instructions included in box. Includes complete instructions and a one year manufacturer's warranty. Made in Indonesia. (shipping weight 9 lbs)
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